20 Jun Absorb, Do, Connect – A simple scaffold for designing e-learning
Developing e-learning courses that aren’t simply click-next page-turners isn’t straightforward (that’s why us learning designers...
Developing e-learning courses that aren’t simply click-next page-turners isn’t straightforward (that’s why us learning designers...
If you are developing elearning for smartphones you really need to use a responsive development...
The storyboard is the vehicle by which conventional elearning gets done, but the storyboard is...
I've worked in the information, knowledge and learning space for many years and I'm still...
Learning complex ideas can be challenging. Sometimes it’s useful to break down a complex idea...
Most learning needs analysis (LNA) is top down and most of my clients come to...
There are many definitions of e-learning. Some limit its scope while others broaden it depending...
Articulate excel when it comes to product support. In the early days of Articulate Presenter...
A great evening was had by all at the 2014 E-learning Awards Gala Dinner in...
This year as vice-chair of the E-learning Network I thought it only natural to volunteer...